How to look professional on video conference calls: Dressing for the camera

Struggling to find the perfect outfit for your video conference call? Here are some tips to dress for the camera.

While the built-in cameras on computers are great tools, unfortunately they don’t always look the best unless they are put in perfect conditions. Due to factors like focal lengths and compression, there are certain colors and articles of clothing that do not look flattering on camera.

Avoid wearing any sort of dangly or flashy jewelry. These are distracting to the viewer, can cause issues with the audio, or reflect light at the camera. The same can be said about glasses, though most are non-reflective, and therefore not an issue.

For clothing, avoid anything with a complex pattern or stripes. Even the best cameras can struggle with the details of these items, and can cause a variety of effects including moire. It may sound boring, but solid colors are best.

For more tips and tricks, check out our video!